This site is dedicated to finding pen pals for inmates in the Texas prison system.The addresses are free to you and the ads are free for the inmates. Please take a minute to browse this site, you never know you just might find a new friend! I made this site after having been employed for almost 2 years in this prison system and seeing the harsh treatment of the inmates. What touched my heart the most was those certain offenders that would wait anxiously by the bars of their cells for mail call only to not have their names called. They would just drop thier heads and return to their beds and pull the covers up over their faces. That was one of the saddest things I have ever witnessed. For these inmates, mail call is their only means of knowing what is going on in the world outside of those walls. Some have no family or their families have forgotten about them. Friends forget them. Their families live too far away from the unit they are assigned. There is a myriad of reasons but the fact still remains they, as do all of us, need that contact. The simple fact of knowing they have a friend somewhere that cares about them makes doing the time so much easier.It is my opinion that we cannot lock up these human beings ,deprive them of human contact and then expect them to go back to our rules of society once they are paroled with no problems. That is impossible. Especially for the ones who find themselves in administrative segregation.Which , simply put, means they are locked down in their cells for 23 hours a day with NO contact except throught mail. They are the ones that need pen pals the most, and as you will find, most of the ones listed on the first page are those very inmates. Please take the chance and write to one of them. You would brighten their day greatly and maybe, just maybe, find a friend. Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. |  |