My name is Cindy and I am 32 yrs. old. I worked as a guard in a private prison here in east Tx for almost 2 years. I saw many awful things while employed there.But I came away from that experience with new friends , they are the ones who have sent me this artwork.I really hope you enjoy this artwork as I have. I have lived in east Tx. most of my life. I am divorced and have one son who will be 3 next March.(2002). I have been a pen pal to my boys ( as I like to call them) for almost 2 yrs now. They have made mistakes and are paying for them with their incarceration.They are really sweet and nice guys. I am including their names and addresses and if any of you would like to write to them, please feel free as it would brighten their days immensley.  Well this is me,I hope that I dont scare you too badly! ha-ha! |